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Nutritional Vision Supplements

The macula is an area at the back of your eye used for seeing fine detail and in colour.

Macular degeneration (MD) covers a number of conditions that affect the macula. There are 2 types of macular degeneration.

The `Dry` type progresses slowly and can take some time before it affects your ability to see. The `Wet` type occurs spontaneously and has immediate effect on your vision – from distorted lines to actual sight loss.

Treatment for wet MD is in the form of a drug injected into the eye. This drug is only effective if the wet MD is caught early and treated promptly. For this reason, should you ever develop any sudden symptoms such as distorted lines or sight loss, please contact us urgently.

There is currently no treatment for Dry MD however, the following food groups are thought to be beneficial to help maintain the eye :

  • Green leafy foods (e.g. Kale, broccoli, spinach and brussel sprout)
  • Bright coloured fruits and vegetables (yellow and orange peppers, sweetcorn, mangos and papaya)
  • Fatty Acids (oily fish and Omega 3 oils).

The Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) found that a high dose of certain vitamins plus zinc slowed the progress of Dry macular disease in people with more advanced disease. As a result, there are several nutritional supplements available which use the AREDS formula.

If you would like to discuss vision supplements further, speak with our Optometrist by calling 020 8428 4068. 

Read our guide to Age Related Macular Degeneration and Nutrition to learn how you can help your eyes fight back.